Chicago North Side Reading Group Winter - Spring 2009

North Side Reading Group | Loyola University

Week 1. What is the Left? | Jan. 25, 2009

“The concept of the Left remains unclear to this day.” (Kolakowski 1968)

[• Leszek Kolakowski, “The Concept of the Left” (1968)

[in Carl Oglesby, ed., New Left Reader (1969), 144-158]]

Week 2. Marxism as theory and practice: the 1920s-30s “Old” Left | Feb. 1, 2009

*“In socialism, freedom is to become a reality. But because the present system is called ‘free’ and considered liberal, it is not terribly clear what this might mean… Not only [the Little Man’s] lack of freedom but that of [his betters] as well spells his doom. His interest lies in the Marxist clarification of the concept of freedom… *

The socialist order of society is not prevented by world history; it is historically possible. But it will not be realized by a logic that is immanent to history but by men trained in theory and determined to make things better. Otherwise, it will not be realized at all.” (Horkheimer 1926-31)

[• Max Horkheimer, selections from Dämmerung (Notes 1926-31)

][• Theodor W. Adorno, part X. “Imaginative excesses” from “Messages in a Bottle” (orphaned from Minima Moralia 1944-47)

][• Liza Featherstone, Doug Henwood, and Christian Parenti, “ ‘Action Will Be Taken’: Left Anti-Intellectualism and its Discontents” (2002)

][• Esther Leslie, Introduction to the 1969 Adorno-Marcuse correspondence (1999)

][• Theodor W. Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, correspondence on the German New Left (1969)]

Week 3. February 8, 2009

[• Richard Fraser, Two Lectures on the Black Question in America and Revolutionary Integrationism (1953)

][• James Robertson and Shirley Stoute, “For Black Trotskyism” (1963)

][• Bayard Rustin, “The Failure of Black Separatism” (1970)]

Week 4. Feb. 15, 2009

[• Juliet Mitchell, “Women: the Longest Revolution” (1966)

[revised version from Women’s Estate (1971)]

][• John D’Emilio, “Capitalism and Gay Identity” (1983)]

Week 5. Feb. 22, 2009

[• Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, selections from the Manifesto of the Communist Party (1847-48, Prefaces to various language editions, I. “Bourgeois and Proletarians,” II. “Proletarians and Communists,” and IV. “Position of the Communists in Relation to the Various Existing Opposition PartiesPDF)

[in Robert C. Tucker, ed., Marx-Engels Reader, 469-491, and 499-500]

][• Karl Marx, selections from the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (”Estranged Labour,” “Private Property and Labour,” “Private Property and Communism,” and “The Meaning of Human RequirementsPDF)

][[in Robert C. Tucker, ed., Marx-Engels Reader, 70-101]]

Week 6. Mar. 1, 2009

[“The most important Marxian political manifesto remains to be written.” (Nicolaus 1968)]

[• Martin Nicolaus, “The Unknown Marx” (1968)

[also in Carl Oglesby, ed., The New Left Reader (1969), 84-110]

][• Moishe Postone, “Rethinking Marx (in a post-Marxist world)” (1995)]

Week 7. Mar. 15, 2009

[• György Lukács, “The Phenomenon of Reification” (Part I of “Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat,” 1923) PDF

[in History and Class Consciousness, 83-110]]

Week 8. Mar. 29, 2009

“Qui si convien lasciare ogni sospetto;

Ogni viltà convien che qui sia morta

[Here all mistrust must be abandoned;

And here must perish every craven thought]”

(Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia 1308-21 quoted by Marx 1859)

[• Karl Korsch, Introduction to Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Programme (1922)

][• Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme (1875)

][[also in Tucker, ed., Marx-Engels Reader, 525-541]

][• Karl Marx, Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1859)

][[also in Robert Tucker, ed., Marx-Engels Reader, 3-6]]

Week 9. Apr. 19th, 2009

[• Leon Trotsky: Trade Unions in the Epoch of Imperialist Decay

]([• Christopher L Tomlins, The State and the Unions: Labor Relations, Law and the Organized Labor Movements in America 1880-1960, 282-329](,M1)
