Are there stages of consciousness? What do they mean for entryism as political strategy?

Are there stages of consciousness? What do they mean for entryism as political strategy?
ON AUGUST 6 IN FRANKFURT AM MAIN in Germany there was a Platypus panel on the question‚ “What is a left political organization?”1 Among the panelists was Daniel Behruzi from the German section of the Committee for a Worker’s International (CWI), whose American section is Socialist Alternative and whose British, Irish, and Australian sections are all named the Socialist Party. Jeremy Corbyn at an anti-austerity protest in London, 2015, where he receives the support from Stop the War Coalition. [Read More]

Capital in history

The need for a Marxian philosophy of history of the Left

The following is a talk given at the Marxist-Humanist Committee public forum on The Crisis in Marxist Thought, hosted by the Platypus Affiliated Society in Chicago on Friday, July 25th, 2008. I want to speak about the meaning of history for any purportedly Marxian Left. We in Platypus focus on the history of the Left because we think that the narrative one tells about this history is in fact one’s theory of the present. [Read More]