Horkheimer in 1943 on party and class

Without a socialist party, there is no class struggle, only rackets HORKHEIMER’S REMARKABLE ESSAY “On the sociology of class relations” (1943)1 is continuous with Adorno’s contemporaneous “Reflections on class theory” (1942) as well as his own “The authoritarian state” (1940/42), which similarly mark the transformation of Marx and Engels’s famous injunction in the Communist Manifesto that “history is the history of class struggles.” All of these writings were inspired by Walter Benjamin’s “On the concept of history” (AKA “Theses on the philosophy of history,” 1940), which registered history’s fundamental crisis. [Read More]

What is Political Party for the Left? Halifax

What would it mean for the Left to take "political action" today?

A panel event hosted by the Platypus Affiliated Society on January 21st 2015, at University of King’s College, Halifax. Sponsored by the King’s Student Union and Dalhousie Student Union. Audio Recording Your browser does not support the audio element Panelists Jackie Barkley - Solidarity Halifax Carlos Pessoa - Author of Post-Marxism and Politics: the case of the Brazilian Workers’ Party Leo Panitch - Socialist Project(Toronto), Author of Renewing Socialism [Read More]

Revolutionary politics and thought

Revolutionary politics and thought
No coarser insult, no baser defamation, can be thrown against the workers than the remark, ‘Theoretical controversies are for the intellectuals’ —Rosa Luxemburg, Reform or Revolution (1900) Since there can be no talk of an independent ideology formulated by the working masses themselves in the process of their movement the only choice is – either bourgeois or socialist ideology… This does not mean, of course, that the workers have no part in creating such an ideology. [Read More]